Wednesday, April 12, 2023, 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Plant Sale Information
More plant sale information can be available on our Plant Sale page.
Orders can be placed here:
Meeting Minutes
Lisbon Elementary PTA Meeting
Date: Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Time: 6:30- 7:00 Open Chat | 7:00 – 8:30 Regular Meeting
(PTA Elected Officials)
- Cathy Datz,
- Danielle Pientka,
- Ellen Bockelman,
- Elizabeth Hall,
- Amy Syverson
(Community Members/Attendees)
- School Principal – Debra Anoff
- Assistant Principal- Bradley Scoby
- Karen Landry
- Elizabeth Dudley
Call to Order
Attendance/Establish Quorum
Ground Rules & Reminders
- Be respectful of everyone. Host can mute anyone at any time if necessary.
- Mute if you have background noises.
- Votes can be virtual if members are seen (turn on picture) during vote.
- Please keep topic reports and discussions to 5 minute per person. If a topic discussion becomes 15 minutes an Executive Member (EC) can table til next meeting or plan a separate planning/discussion meet.
- Meeting will have a 30 minute pre-meet open meet (630pm)for questions or non-pta discussions and the Principal or Assistant Principal may stay on after the meet (their choice) to follow up or answer questions.
- No personnel or personal discussions, please contact the appropriate person to discuss it with them off PTAmeet.
Approve Minutes- Seconded by Amy Syverson
President’s Report (Cathy Datz)
- Budget 23/24: Please make any requests for budget changes soon.
- SY 23/24 Event Dates: Those will be scheduled at an Executive Meeting in June 2023.
1st VP Report (Jessica Jenkins): Not present.
2nd VP Report (Diane Byrne): Not present.
Treasurer’s Report (Elizabeth Hall):
- Please see budget analysis at the bottom of the page.
- We may need to change our bank to Sandy Spring at the fiscal year change (once all of the fundraisers are done) because PNC in Woodbine is closing in June.
- Yearbook Sales close today, Look Who is Talking closed.
Recording Secretary’s Report (Emily Metzler): Nothing to report.
Corresponding Secretary’s Report (Danielle Pientka): Nothing to report.
PTACHC Report (Amy Syversen):
- Guilford Park is the new high school name and the school is in Tier 1.
- Final bell schedule may be +/- 10 minutes from the posted schedule currently.
- Last day of school is June 14, 2023.
- There have been some changes to the school calendar.
- Be aware that adults need to fill out the school transportation form if they want their children to ride the bus in the 2023/24 School Year.
Committee/Activity Reports and Topics for Discussion:
- Yearbook Signup ends TODAY: Lisbon Elementary School Your Online Code is: YB26116. Please get any pictures to Elizabeth Hall in the next 1-2 weeks if you want the pictures in the yearbook.
- Plant Sale Update: We have about 24 orders right now.
- International Night: We have movies and international treats for the International Night this Friday (April 14, 2023)
- Basketball Fundraiser: We have sent out information to families on this fundraiser. We have 136 tickets sold with around $4000 income so far (but this is before what we need to pay). The business sponsor email went out. Jerseys will be customized for staff.
- Team Lisbon: 30 staff members are going to play and 4 staff who want to play/cheer.
- MAY MADNESS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We need volunteers to help us have a successful event. Volunteers needed to help with parking at GJACC in Glenwood, security inside the gym, with souvenir sales, door, and raffles. We make more money if we have 8 volunteers at the souvenir stand so we signed up some junior scholars to come over to help. Sign up here:
- VOLUNTEER T SHIRTS: We are planning to make bright yellow shirts for event staff.
- Supply Kit Update: Interested in school supply kits for 23/24? The signs are in the front office for display. I am running the fliers to be distributed this week at work and will have them in the front office hopefully Friday.
Principal’s Report (Mrs. Anoff)
- Kindergarten registration is going well. We NEED anyone who is enrolling for kindergarten to register BEFORE the summer to ensure we have enough staff to support the number of students.
- We have preliminary staffing numbers.
- In August, once parents complete all of the emergency contact forms, they will be able to see their child’s teacher assignment.
- We are still not sure what the budget will be for the 23/24 SY.
- 5th Grade is still going to Glenwood Middle School for a field trip and tour. They also have an upcoming field trip to the Howard County Conservancy. Field trip payments really SHOULD go to the online platform ideally, but we still accept cash and checks if needed.
- Please make your Field Day Lunch orders for students.
- We are not allowing spectators for Field Day so please volunteer if you want to come to the event.
Assistant Principal’s Report (Mr. Scobie)
- We had our 1st Golden Lion Week: The kids earned golden coupons to get recognized as a golden lion. The kids loved it.
- On Tuesday we had the kickoff for the 5th grade simulated congressional hearing. This is a performance based assessment for their understanding of social studies. Thank you to Ms. Swanek and all of the parents who are helping with this.
- We started 3rd and 4th grade MCAP testing today. 5th grade starts on Friday. The kids were well prepared and well behaved, and did their best to show what they’ve learned this year.
Teacher’s Report (TBD): No report.
New Business
- Discuss if we should offer lunches for sale to Field Day volunteers. Subway and Jersey Mikes have sub boxes that can be customized.
- 1st Week of May is Staff Appreciation Week and the bus drivers have also been included in some of the events.
- Our bus driver for Bus 189, Ms. Robins, is retiring this year.
Adjourn: 8:06pm
Budget Analysis