Lisbon Elementary PTA Meeting
Date: Wednesday, October 4th, 2023
● 6:30- 7:00 Open Chat
● 7:00 – 8:00 Regular Meeting
(PTA Elected Officials)
- Cathy Datz (President)
- Jessica Jenkins (1 st VP)
- Diane Byrne (2 nd VP)
- Elizabeth Hall (Treasurer)
- Danielle Pientka (Corresponding Secretary)
(Specific Noted Attendees/Total Attendees)
● School Principal – Debra Anoff
● School Asst. Principal = Bradley Scobie
● _13 total in attendance including PTA elected officials and other named community
A. Call to Order
B. Introductions
C. Meeting Minutes Approval – none to approve; NA.
D. Updates from the President:
● Brief meeting rule overview for attendees of the meeting.
● Vote on Bylaws at end of meeting, there are no changes this year
● Nothing else to report.
E. Updates from J. Jenkins (1 st VP):
● PTA will be pursuing the School of Excellence again. Additional information is
forthcoming. Deadline for application 10/15
F. Updates from D. Byrne (2 nd VP):
● Programs are running. Still working on Studio Art
● Vote on the After-School Program Agreement. Vendors must have their own
insurance, must use their own equipment, must handle their registrations and
payment. Must handle their own taxes. Can’t use information for anything other
than for running program, no promotional purposes. Must be careful who they
release students to and check photo ID. Supervision starts at dismissal. Volunteers
must submit volunteer process through school district.
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● HCPSS staff can be vendors but have to cover the time from their school contract
hours to when the program starts. Staff members can not make money during their
contractual hours. This program is completely separate from Lisbon Elementary
and is run through the PTA as vendors. On checks/payment “Lisbon” can’t be in
the memo line, program name should be used. PTA will not be held liable if staff
member violates this policy.
● Children shouldn’t bring money/cash to give to an outside vendor. Payment needs
to be done via check, venmo etc. The vendor should provide an address to send
payment to if needed. All payment must go to Ms Giro via Venmo or outside of
school and has nothing to do with Lisbon Elementary or PTA and this is the same
for every vendor.
● We will be consistent with all of our vendors
● Vote on Agreement and is Approved (7 yea, 4 not members, 2 abstain)
G. Updates from E. Metzler (Recording Secretary):
● Nothing to report at this time.
H. Updates from D. Pientka (Corresponding Secretary):
● Updates on member signup genius for committees. Nominating committee (can
be PTA members at end of their term) and School of Excellence haven’t had any
interest, we’ll put out an email once the first School of Excellence meeting is
● Need PTACHC representative
● Need teacher rep for PTA- Shannon Jones has agreed to fill position
I. Updates from E. Hall (Treasurer)
● Nothing to report
J. Updates from the Principal:
● Lisbon ES puts out Lisbon Lines Newsletters every Friday with information to the
parents and families that includes important information from the PTA and
● Arrival-watching students outdoors didn’t work as students were excited at the
● Teachers on duty at 9:10 and by 9:20 most students are in building
● Arrival and dismissal have been smooth
● Parents should not be parking at church parking lot. They do accommodate us for
parking for events
● Bullying Prevention Week 10/16-10/19. Maybe teachers can share ideas for
matching day so students don’t feel left out if they don’t have a buddy.
K. Updates from the Asst Principal:
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● Fall MAP testing as begun
● Join us at Fall Festival- all Halloween activities will be at the festival
● No other updates
L. Bylaw Vote
● Exact same bylaws as last time, no changes
● Motion to Pass bylaws- Cathy Datz, Second-Diane B.
● 12 yay, 0 no’s, 1 non member
● Bylaw’s approved
Motion to Adjourn at 7:57 PM – Cathy Datz
Second – Diane Byrne
In Favor: All
Next Meeting: November 1, 2023 7-8 PM