Lisbon Elementary PTA Meeting
Date: Wednesday, January 3rd , 2024
● 6:30- 7:00 Open Chat
● 7:00 – 8:00 Regular Meeting
(PTA Elected Officials)
- Cathy Datz (President)
- Diane Byrne (2 nd VP)
- Elizabeth Hall (Treasurer)
- Danielle Pientka (Corresponding Secretary)
- Emily Metzler (Secretary)
(Specific Noted Attendees/Total Attendees)
● School Principal – Debra Anoff
● School Asst. Principal = Bradley Scobie
● 9 total in attendance including PTA elected officials and other community
A. Call to Order
B. Introductions
C. Meeting Minutes Approval – none to approve.
D. Updates from the President:
● Snow ball social – Friday Feb. 2 nd / Snow date on the 16 th .
● Community night expenses were completely covered due an anonymous private
● Do not have anyone for international fair committee. Event will be cancelled if
we do not find a chair. Currently set for March 15 th .
● The Wizards Basketball game is set for May 3 rd .
● Still waiting on a PTAC representative.
● $10,461+was donated to teachers and 2.0% was kicked back to the PTA from gift
E. Updates from J. Jenkins (1 st VP):
● Not present.
F. Updates from D. Byrne (2 nd VP):
● Pickleball, golf, and tennis aftercare programs will be back. There will be several
sessions. Some program days may change in the second session. Actual days to
be determined.
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● Tristar will be providing a partner program with the PTA. Fliers will be sent out.
Hiya! Has also reached out about a program at LES.
G. Updates from E. Metzler (Recording Secretary):
● Nothing to report at this time.
● Need to ensure D. Pientka has the November meeting minutes to post to the
H. Updates from D. Pientka (Corresponding Secretary):
● Nothing to report at this time.
I. Updates from E. Hall (Treasurer)
● Nothing to report specifically.
● Will be reviewing draft budget numbers and assisting to get the check out for
community night.
J. Other matters:
● Discussed start time and concessions for the Wizards game.
● Discussed teacher appreciation efforts and other related matters.
K. Voting matters before the PTA:
● No votes were taken during the meeting.
● Seeking approval to purchase a new popcorn machine. Costs: $247.99.
i. The Group suggested buying using snowball excess budget for use at
L. Principal Report:
● Conveyed gratitude on behalf of the staff for holiday gifts from the PTA.
● Nothing else to report.
● Mr. Carter and Mr. Scobie participated as elf on the shelf.
M. Vice Principal Report:
● Conveyed appreciation for gifts from the PTA.
● First Golden Lion Week was before the holiday break. Gave lots of awards for
good behavior.
● Testing is coming up.
Motion to Adjourn at 7:58 PM – Cathy Datz
Second – Lisa Martin
In Favor: All
Next Meeting: February 7th , 2024, 7-8 PM