Lisbon Elementary PTA Meeting
Date: Wednesday, January 3rd , 2024

● 6:30- 7:00 Open Chat
● 7:00 – 8:00 Regular Meeting

(PTA Elected Officials)

  1. Cathy Datz (President)
  2. Diane Byrne (2 nd VP)
  3. Elizabeth Hall (Treasurer)
  4. Danielle Pientka (Corresponding Secretary)
  5. Emily Metzler (Secretary)
    (Specific Noted Attendees/Total Attendees)
    ● School Principal – Debra Anoff
    ● School Asst. Principal = Bradley Scobie
    9 total in attendance including PTA elected officials and other community
    A. Call to Order
    B. Introductions
    C. Meeting Minutes Approval – none to approve.
    D. Updates from the President:
    ● Snow ball social – Friday Feb. 2 nd / Snow date on the 16 th .
    ● Community night expenses were completely covered due an anonymous private
    ● Do not have anyone for international fair committee. Event will be cancelled if
    we do not find a chair. Currently set for March 15 th .
    ● The Wizards Basketball game is set for May 3 rd .
    ● Still waiting on a PTAC representative.
    ● $10,461+was donated to teachers and 2.0% was kicked back to the PTA from gift

E. Updates from J. Jenkins (1 st VP):
● Not present.
F. Updates from D. Byrne (2 nd VP):
● Pickleball, golf, and tennis aftercare programs will be back. There will be several
sessions. Some program days may change in the second session. Actual days to
be determined.

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● Tristar will be providing a partner program with the PTA. Fliers will be sent out.
Hiya! Has also reached out about a program at LES.
G. Updates from E. Metzler (Recording Secretary):
● Nothing to report at this time.
● Need to ensure D. Pientka has the November meeting minutes to post to the

H. Updates from D. Pientka (Corresponding Secretary):
● Nothing to report at this time.
I. Updates from E. Hall (Treasurer)
● Nothing to report specifically.
● Will be reviewing draft budget numbers and assisting to get the check out for
community night.
J. Other matters:
● Discussed start time and concessions for the Wizards game.
● Discussed teacher appreciation efforts and other related matters.
K. Voting matters before the PTA:
● No votes were taken during the meeting.
● Seeking approval to purchase a new popcorn machine. Costs: $247.99.
i. The Group suggested buying using snowball excess budget for use at
L. Principal Report:
● Conveyed gratitude on behalf of the staff for holiday gifts from the PTA.
● Nothing else to report.
● Mr. Carter and Mr. Scobie participated as elf on the shelf.
M. Vice Principal Report:
● Conveyed appreciation for gifts from the PTA.
● First Golden Lion Week was before the holiday break. Gave lots of awards for
good behavior.
● Testing is coming up.

Motion to Adjourn at 7:58 PM – Cathy Datz
Second – Lisa Martin
In Favor: All
Next Meeting: February 7th , 2024, 7-8 PM

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